How To String a Guitar

To Strum a Guitar Is Human — To Restring One, DIVINE. 

From torturing your parents (and neighbors) with endlessly lumbering “Smoke On The Water” riffs to fluttering through a chromatic scale like an angsty hummingbird, universal milestones greet all axe enthusiasts throughout their jamming journeys. 

Perhaps none inspire the same daunting apprehension as the rite of passage that separates the virtuosos from the curiosos:

Restringing your own rig. (Cue: Screeching metal solo)

While there’s always an approachable ally in your local shop to do the deed on your behalf, nothing matches the satisfaction of conquering the very manageable task solo. Besides, of course, humbly telling everyone you’ve ever met of your expert accomplishment. 

Stay tuned for an easy guide that demystifies the gauntlet of guitar restringing for good. 

A Trick for Every Pony

The world of stringed instruments is vast, spanning from esoteric ancient lutes to sophisticated Senegalese Koras. 

Odds are, you’ve got some frayed strings that need some TLC on one of the following:

  • Electric Guitar

  • Electric Bass 

  • Acoustic Guitar

  • Acoustic Bass

  • Classical Acoustic (Nylon Strings)

Different styles of instruments demand special consideration. For example, with a delicate classical acoustic guitar, removing and replacing strings sequentially one by one is important. Removing all of the strings at once can cause the natural doming of the soundboard to relax and distort the overall feel and sound.

This guide covers concepts geared towards a traditional steel-stringed acoustic, but the fundamentals will serve you well no matter the situation. 

Loosen Up A Little

The first step to success is to get in touch with your Chi and flirt with a flow state. 

It doesn’t hurt to give your guitar some slack, while you're at it. 

Begin by loosening all of the strings on the guitar and making sure you’ve got three essential tools of the trade close by:

  1. String winder — An affordable tool that will help expedite loosening and tightening, and crucially aid efforts to pop pegs out of their dugouts.

  2. Wire cutter — To cut through the noise. 

  1. New strings — Duh. 

This endeavor doesn't require a fully stocked warehouse. Instead, abide by the general rules of gentle movements and reverence for your instrument. 

Slice Through the Tension

An immensely cathartic step, cutting your strings can unearth some unpleasant side effects if you throw caution entirely to the wind. 

To avoid any damage to your gorgeous Brazilian rosewood, or your retinas, make sure to cut the strings after they are already loose. 

Additionally, make the incision just above the body opening, to allow some space for a free-fall that would make Petty proud. 

Crossing the Bridge

When the adrenaline subsides from passing the point of no return with your surgical cuts, grab your trusty string winder.

The guitar gods will grin as you breeze past a common pitfall of first-timers: wrestling with the pins to coax them out of the bridge. Most spring winders have a handy notch to leverage the pins out. 

If you’re “advanced” enough to understand this reference, blow into the vacant holes with your mouth like a glitchy Nintendo cartridge to spruce things up while you’ve got the chance. 

Housekeeping — No Tip Required

It’s not every day that you’ve got a backstage pass to your fretboard. 

Much like vacuuming up mysterious relics revealed by rearranging furniture, getting rid of dormant gunk that’s been out of reach for some time is good wholesome fun even your mother-in-law would endorse. 

Taking care not to expose your instrument to harsh chemicals, mist the nooks with water or a gentle cleaner, and give surfaces a once-over with a soft cloth or microfiber. 

Hold for Applause

Next, we anchor ourselves and place the new strings into the bridge. 

To add some flourish and dazzle onlookers, press the end of the string against the bridge pin to create a J-loop effect that will keep it in a place like a dream. Your engineering prowess will impress even the most discerning Arctic vessel mechanics. 

Be sure to maintain a chill groove — rushing things can kill the vibe and damage the brittle pegs. 

The Grand Finale

As you build towards the crescendo, remember two things as you wind the strings around the tuning posts:

  • Wrap the first pass above the trailing string end. 

  • Twist all subsequent turns under the trailing end.

Tune things up, stretch your fingers, and savor the sweet sound of victory. 

Let’s play together. 


Guitars International. Classical Guitar Care and Maintenance.
Acoustic Life. How to String a Guitar Like a Pro.


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